Thursday, September 27, 2007


The last several weeks have seen the release of some of the best albums of the year (Caribou, The Sea and Cake, New Pornographers). But the one album I truly cannot get out of my head is the self titled release by Austin five-piece Voxtrot. Ramesh Srivastava and his mates present 11 distinct compositions rooted in indie rock but are much more adventurous than your typical band of said genre (take for example, The Arctic Monkeys, for whom Voxtrot will be opening this fall).

Check out some songs from the new album
Kid Gloves
Brother in Conflict

And some older stuff as well
Trouble from Your Biggest Fan EP
Mothers, Sisters, Daughters and Wives from Mothers... EP
The Start of Something from Raised By Wolves EP

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Weekend in Baltimore Mix

I got my first chance to check out some music since moving to Charm City in June. Between work and a new kid it has been tough to get and check out the scene. Yesterday, I made my way to 36th Street for Hampden Fest drawn mainly by the prospect of seeing The Oranges Band for the first time live. So here's a couple of songs by Baltimore's finest plus a few other tunes I can't stop playing on this beautiful September weekend.

The Oranges Band

Ride the Nuclear Wave (mp3)
OK Apartment (mp3)

Firecracker (mp3)

Melody Day (mp3)

Band of Horses
Is There a Ghost (mp3)

Les Savy Fav
The Equestrian (mp3)

Broken Social Scene
Stars and Sons (mp3)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Bad Religion

It has been a long time between posts. Between work and a new baby at home, it has been hard to sit down and write. Time to actually listen to music has been rare as well - often limited to my Ipod while walking the dog. Bad Religion's new album New Maps of Hell has been on heavy rotation while on these late night walks.

The sixteen tracks come at you with the subtly of a tank - many clocking in under two minutes. The subject matter is unmistakable, dissecting the war in Iraq from different perspectives. The band doesn't tread far from home base musically but who cares as they improve on what they do best - west coast punk rock for the thinking man. If you don't believe me check out the best 1:26 of recorded music released this year.

Heroes & Martyrs (mp3)