Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Luna - Tell Me Do You Miss Me

Well, it's another in a series of music related movie reviews. Whenever the wife heads out of town for work, I load up the Netflix queue and this one arrived last week. Tell Me Do You Miss Me documents the NYC-based indie-pop band on the final tour of Japan, Europe and the States finalizing with a four night stand at the Bowery Ballroom in February of 2005.

When Thurston Moore and Kim Gordon moved to western Massachusetts earlier this decade, Luna took over the reins from Sonic Youth as the connsumate downtown NYC band. So much of the story revolves around the relationship of singer/guitarist/Galaxie 500 alum Dean Wareham and guitarist Sean Eden. Wareham is the face of the band - handsome and reserved. Eden is the goofball of the group appearing suspended in a state of adolescence as he tries so hard at finding love on the road (Wareham, of course, is with the devastatingly beautiful bassist of the band, Britta Phillips). Outside of the live performances, the sometimes comic, sometimes bittersweet interactions between Wareham and Eden make a viewing worthwhile.

While you are waiting for the film to arrive check out this song from Wareham and Phillips' post-Luna project, Dean and Britta.
Dean and Britta "Singer Sing" (mp3)

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