Sunday, December 27, 2009

Vic Chesnutt 1964-2009

Fifteen years after the completion of college I often get nostalgic for the times my high school friends and I would get together during the winter holidays. Often my friend Dave, a student at the University of Georgia, would mention some new band he'd seen or met in Athens. Now Dave knew of what he spoke - he roomed with Elf Power's Anderw Reiger his freshman year and ended up as a close friend and collaborator with many of the Elephant 6 crew. Dave also introduced me to the music of fellow Athens resident, Vic Chesnutt.

In October of 1993, I got my first chance to see Vic as he opened for Bob Mould in Amherst, MA. What I remember most about that night was Vic's dark sense of humor, the earnestness of his singing and the gratitude he expressed to a fan who ran on stage to give him a grape soda. I followed Vic's career on and off over the years, always impressed with the number of artists I greatly respect with which he has worked (Kristin Hersh, Michael Stipe, the aforementioned Elf Power) . I've enjoyed the last two records immensely that feature his collaborations with Guy Picciotto from Fugazi and Thee Silver Mt. Zion. I got the chance to see him perform one last time on 10/29/09 in Baltimore.

A few weeks ago I was visiting my parents and my mother was listening to an interview with Vic on Fresh Air on NPR as she sewed. One focus of the interview was Vic's previous suicide attempts, which really struck a chord with my mother. Sadly, yet another attempt by Vic to take his life was successful and he died on Christmas Day.

Warm (mp3)
Rustic City Feathers (mp3)
You Are Never Alone (mp3)
Flirted With You All My Life (mp3)
Philip Guston (mp3)
Chain (mp3)

1 comment:

patrolledbyradar said...

This is a very well written piece. My intro to Vic Chesnutt was almost identical to your own. Thanks for posting these songs...I'd not heard "Flirted With You..." before. I came across your blog as I was poking around in the wee hours attempting to find an appropriately respectful link to include in a show announcement for my Los Angeles group 50 cent Haircut. Vic was in large part an influence on my songwritting. Salute.