Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Visitations

The Visitations aka Davey Wrathgeber aka David Rathgeber, Jr is probably the most creative person I've ever met in my life. In the 20 + years that we've been friends, he has never ceased to amaze me with his musical abilities - sometimes strange, sometimes funny, sometimes mindblowing, and always unique. You will never confuse Davey's voice or songwriting skills with anyone else. After leaving the DC suburbs for the University of Georgia in 1990 - Davey's freshmen year roommate was Andrew Reiger of Elf Power - he started the folk/rock/alt-country freakshow FableFactory and toured the country playing with his brenthren in the Elephant 6 collective. On a roadtrip to Athens to visit Davey in January of '98 with my friend, Mike, we had coffee with members of Of Montreal and Neutral Milk Hotel before visiting Olivia Tremor Control in the studio. It was quite an absurb amount of musical talent all hanging out together in one place.

In the wake of FableFactory's demise a few years back, Davey formed The Visitations and released the album Propaganda in 2004 with help from Jason Nesmith and Derek Almstead of Of Montreal. Davey sticks to his strengths on the album melding folk music with current events and humor. It is the most literal critique of the current administration ever put to music.

Osama And Your SUV (mp3)
Questionable Intelligence (mp3)
Talkin Hate Radio Blues (mp3)
Television (mp3)
Burn a Flag (4 July) (mp3)
Florida (mp3)

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